utorak, 24. studenoga 2009.

Planning a Trip to Croatia - 10 Holiday Highlights

Shunning neon lights and mass tourism development, Croatia rightly dubs itself "the Mediterranean as it once was". Travel journalist Howard Carr has explored the full length of the country, including its stunning coastline and string of more than 1,000 islands.

Vast stretches of the beautiful Adriatic coastline remain untouched by modern-day tourism. It's a place for ambling rather than rushing around - particularly in the sleepy, well-preserved medieval towns dotted along the coast and around the tiny islands.

Here are 10 reasons to visit Croatia to help start your holiday planning .

History: You'll find it hard to put the camera away as you explore picture-perfect places such as Dubrovnik, with its sturdy town walls and ancient alleyways, and Split, where the heart of the city is built within the impressive remains of a huge Roman palace.

Islands: A tempting array of unspoilt islands runs the full length of the Croatian coast. Options range from trendy Hvar and historic Korcula to the Robinson Crusoe-like Kornati islands.

Beaches: Most beaches are fine shingle or pebbles, rather than sand. Among the best are Zlatni Rat on the island of Brac and the long stretches of gleaming white pebble beaches in and around Makarska.

Sailing: Charter a yacht or join a flotilla holiday to discover picturesque islands, pretty fishing villages and secluded coves and bays.

Diving: Clear, clean water made the sea off Croatia one of the favourite spots for legendary French diver Jacques Cousteau. Top venues include the island of Vis, where divers can explore several shipwrecks, and the Kornati islands.

Cities: Dubrovnik, with its baroque palaces and Venetian architecture, is known as the Pearl of the Adriatic. In the north, Pula boasts an impressive Roman amphitheatre. Also worth discovering are Split, Zadar and Zagreb.

Countryside: Head inland to admire the rolling hills of Istria in the north and the dramatic mountain scenery of Dalmatia. North of Zadar, Plitvice National Park has waterfalls and 16 lakes criss-crossed by wooden walkways.

Food: Fresh seafood can be enjoyed all along the Croatian coast. If the catch of the day doesn't take your fancy, try prsut (cured ham) in Dalmatia, strukli (cheese pie) in Zagreb and Italian-inspired dishes in Istria.

Wine: Quality wines are one of Croatia's most pleasant surprises. Good for raising a glass are the white Vrbnicka Zlahtina from the island of Krk and the red Plavac Mali and Dingac from Dalmatia.

Music: Summer festivals are staged throughout the country. The choice ranges from classical music recitals among Dubrovnik's historic settings to rock concerts by top artistes in Pula's Roman amphitheatre.

A holiday in Croatia offers a great escape from the frenetic pace of today's high-tech world, and will leave you wanting to come back for more. And with plenty of discount flights to Croatia from most European countries, there is every reason to do so!

Penny Church, writes for the map-based holiday destination and flight finder Travelwhere. With Travelwhere, you can find cheap flights to Croatia along with a wealth of additional information - including the package holiday brochures of specialist tour operators to Croatia.

Sailing Holidays in Croatia

Don't miss the spectacular Dalmatian Coast

Sail into Croatia's classic marinas, historic harbors or deserted coves.

Ask any group of sailors to name their favorite destination in the Mediterranean and it's likely that sailing in Croatia will top the list fairly convincingly. Reasons for this pole position not only include the incredible blue vistas, crystal clear waters and scenic coastline of more than a thousand islands that create a spectacular visual seascape, but it's also down to cost. Croatia offers great value for money and has a largely uncrowded, uncluttered and unspoiled coastline compared with the development witnessed by many other European destinations. 'Quaint', 'charming', 'safe' and 'stunning' are all words used frequently to describe Croatia's coastline.

Once a backwater, it now offers more than 50 classic marinas, the majority of which have been constructed within the past 20 -30 years and then fully updated in the last decade. Many of Croatia's marinas carry Blue Flag status due to their determination to protect their key attraction - a pristine environment. And whilst you can head to a fully-serviced marina with all mod cons, you can just as easily moor in one of more than 500 harbors, offering age-old ambience. Some of the most popular historic harbors with the sailing community include Cavtat, Korcula Town, Hvar and Stari Grad, Trogir, Sibenik, Sali, Istra and Vrsar, to name just a few!And for those wanting to get away from it all and embark on an original adventure, you can find any number of safe secluded coves and bays to anchor in, where tranquility is guaranteed. You'll easily find a section of the coastline and a stretch of beach to call your own.

Croatia is well known for having favorable sailing winds and safe waters, making sailing here a practical option for many. Experienced sailors often head out from Pula, in Croatia's north, to explore the picturesque islands and Roman remains of Kvarner Bay, Cres, Losinj, Rab and Krk. Another popular route circumnavigates the stunningly beautiful Kornati archipelago, now protected as a National Park of more than 100 islands.

Boat charter is plentiful along the Adriatic coast, with key centers at the accessible, picturesque and well-serviced ports of Biograd, Split & Rogoznica, Baska Voda (Split), Dubrovnik and Kotor. Sailing boats, motor yachts and catamarans can all be chartered with a skipper and crew, or independently with proof of qualifications.

And if you're not keen to charter a yacht of your own, you'll find plenty of cruising options in some spectacular vessels including island-hopping by schooner, around the islands of Brac, Hvar, Vis, Bisevo, Korcula and Mljet, or scenic cruising the unusually clear green waters around Kotor, visiting Medieval towns, the Boka Kotorska fjord and venturing to the Montenegro coast. Croatia's network of islands are also well connected by ferries if you prefer to step from land-to-land and not test out those sea legs.

Beautiful Location For Scuba Diving in Croatia

Having discovered the magic of diving about ten years ago, every free moment I spent under the sea in various tourist destinations throughout Europe. Reading the article in the NY Times I was delighted and made a final decision: I would spend my holidays in Croatia on the Dalmatian coast. Region of Dalmatia, often called the coast of thousand islands was the right choice to rest my body and soul.

I visited two Dalmatian islands, Hvar and Vis and met hospitable people, saw many sights, some of which were even older then thousand years. Untouched nature, beautiful clear sea, pleasant climate and the traditional gastronomy, which dates back to Roman days made my vacation perfect. Intacted underwater life of islands Hvar and Vis, with rich flora and fauna, underwater caves, old Roman galleys, sunken ships from the old times inspired me to dive even several times a day. So I had a chance near the island of Hvar to see destroyed fighter aircraft from World War II and had first-hand experience of that part of world history.

The most beautiful underwater adventure I had on the island of Vis, where I had the opportunity to dive into the Blue Cave, a trademark of the island of Vis. Through an underwater entrance to the cave, passages reflected the sun rays and created a fascinating sight: various shades of blue overflew the ceiling and stone caves on the rocky bottom.

This holiday is one of the most beautiful I have experienced and I would warmly recommend everyone to visit Croatia and Dalmatian coast for you will surely want to return.

ponedjeljak, 23. studenoga 2009.

10 načina do Jednostavnost Strah i smanjiti stres

Strah napadi nisu uvijek sastoji od iznenadne, debilitating napadaje depresije, melanholija, i brige kao neki ljudi bi nas imaju misliti. Kao Zapravo, tjeskoba i stres je na to najviše muči kada je jeza se na nas polako, tijekom našeg svakodnevnog života. Umjesto da se čekić udarac straha i stresa, Najrječitiji oblici anksioznosti su više poput pijeska u procjepu između zupčanika i stroja, koji nose daleko na to postepeno dok se ne staje ili se raspada.

U tom smislu, bave tjeskoba je najbolje raditi PRIJE sloma. Za ljude koji su već u težim fazama anksioznosti, najbolje je da potražite profesionalnu savjetovanja. Međutim, za većinu nas, to nije prekasno za učiniti nešto osobno za ublažavanje stresa naš prije nego dođu ozbiljniji. Evo deset savjeta koji će uzeti koji vam može pomoći u tom smjeru.

1) Koncentriraj se na Solution, Not the Problem - Većina ljudi tjeskobe dolaze iz razmišljanja toliko o tome što se događa u redu da oni izgubiti trag onoga što oni mogu učiniti kako bi ga postaviti pravu. Fokusiranje na težak pronaći pozitivno rješenje problema nije samo još produktivniji, ona također pomaže vam da zadržite svoj um od potencijalnih "loših stvari" koje se mogu dogoditi i naglasiti.

2) Fokus na Logic - anksioznost ili stres je uglavnom proizvod naše emocije. Kad god je bilo stresno stanje usjeva gore, naš prvi su prirodne reakcije sa emocije, bilo da se ushićenje, smijeha, brige ili boli. Kada se pojave problemi, nositi se s problemom logično umjesto emocionalno. To omogućuje da se oba rješenja za učinkovitije i nisu utjecale osobne predrasude, kao i izbjegavanje anksioznosti.

3) Pronađite Hobi - to je jednostavna stvar za implementaciju. Hobiji svibanj, da neki ljudi, čini se da gubitak vremena i resursa. Međutim, hobi, vrijeme u obliku glazbe, vježbe, čitanje knjige, ili što god, dozvolite nam da se opustite i uzeti naše umove od "dnevno samljeti", koji mogu doprinijeti toliko da naše strepnje. Ništa nije previše "blesav" biti hobi, kao čeznuti kao te kao što je to zapravo radi.

4) Poboljšati Tvoj smisao za humor - to je zaista istina da je smijeh jedna od najboljih lijekova u svijetu. Uzimanje stvari previše ozbiljno izaziva puno tjeskobe. Fussing više od bilo koje i sve je pouzdan način za dobivanje bore prije nego ste stari (koji je dodati vlastite brige i tjeskobe). Naučiti se smijati svijetu, stvari oko vas, pa čak i (možda i najvažnije) sebe i svoje brige. Ako možete naći nešto smiješno u čak dumbest stvari koje se događaju na vas, vaše tjeskobe kolektivno će spakovati se i otići na produženi odmor.

5) Baby Steps - prilikom rukovanja situacije, ne zaboravite uzeti stvari jedan korak u isto vrijeme. Pokušavajući sve planirati daleko unaprijed, čini se izgubiti trag o sadašnjosti, a vi naviti brinući više stvari koje se još nije ni dogodilo. Nema ništa loše u vlasništvo nepredviđene za gotovo svaku mogućnost, ali je najbolje da se usredotočite na ovdje i sada. Gledajući predaleko ispred cesta naginje prema dolje kako bi vam nedostajati banana, kora na noge ...

6) Murphy's Law Has Point - u redu, pa možda govoreći: "ono što može poći po zlu će otići krivo" nije nešto što dizajniran kako bi se opustiti. Međutim, ovo se može mijenjati u određenim način. Stvari DO dogoditi s vremena na vrijeme da bi radije ne. Imate dva izbora: mučiti se preko njih (i dajte sebi tjeskoba, žgaravica, i hemmoroids) ili jednostavno učiniti nešto o tome. Rad na i plan za stvari koje ste znali da možete učiniti nešto, a samo slegnuti ramenima i off baviti stvari koje ne mogu.

7) napola puna ili napola prazna? It's oba! - Većina ljudi reći "misliti pozitivno" da se bave tjeskobe. To nije uvijek moguće. Slijepi optimizam da će se stvari riješiti bit uzrok tone od anksioznosti, kada su na kraju NE. S druge strane, cinizam i sigurnost da će stvari ići bum u lice nije zdrav način razmišljanja bilo. Nadam se za najbolje, ali ne očekuju, i plan za najgori ne dopuštajući zabrinutost da si to ti bog dolje.

8) su Hrčak Vaši prijatelji - ok, ja sam polu-šali. Zapravo, istina je da ljudi koji drže kućne ljubimce, posebno topla, fuzzy, loveable one, imaju tendenciju da se njihov stres nokautirao koje budalaštine nad svojim malim prijateljima. Ako niste ljubitelj životinja ipak, slobodno odbaciti ovu opciju.

9) Izbjegavajte Glazba i Film koji Kick Your Butt - postoje određene puta život ima soundtrack. Kada mi samo smo bili ditched, to je gotovo mrtav sigurnost da će se igrati radio nešto sočan i zlobno odgovarajuće. Međutim, ne moramo ići van naš način da pojača ovaj kozmički fenomen. Ako su vaše tjeskobe uzrokovane zabrinutost ulično nasilje i sigurnost svoje djece, na primjer, nemojte gledati film o ratovima bandi, ili ćete završiti zaključavanje djecu daleko u podrumu dok oni 20-nešto . One neće kao da osim ako ne sadrže dovoljno zalihe piva, čipsa, video igre, i pornografija. Nije dobra ideja.

10) Izbjegavajte Paranoid People - ptica perje, i sve to ... znate kazivanje. Pa, ako imate strahova oko neke stvari, ne družiti se sa ljudima zaglavi na isti kolosjek koji provode sve svoje vrijeme grintav o tome. Pronađi ljude koji su prošli stvari koje vam smetaju, ali su došli kroz njega sa svojim skinovi netaknut. Vi ćete naučiti korisne stvari, a vi ćete znati da bez obzira koliko loše stvari se uvijek kraj na vidiku.

Nadamo se da će ovi savjeti za smanjenje stresa će pružiti neke korisne savjete i alate kako bi se smanjila anksioznost na razinu upravljati.

Recite svoju priču! Pokupiti svoj besplatni Recovery Rolodex, više od 88 stranica Self Help i ponovno dobivanje savijeti, resurse i veze kako bi obogatili vaš život. Bill Urell MA.CAAP-II, je ovisnosti terapeut kod vodećih stambenih tretman centra. Predaje zdrave stilove života, životnih vještina. samopomoć i samouprave za unapređenje holistički ozdravljenje, za one u ovisnost oporavak. Posjetite našu rastućoj zajednici na: http://www.AddictionRecoveryBasics.com

Članak Izvor: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Urell

Abromavich, Master of the Seas s najvećom Yacht

Roman Abromavich je ruski milijarder i, kao i princip vlasnik privatne investicijske tvrtke Millhouse LLC, je također jedna od svjetskih najbogatijih ljudi. On je izgubio milijardi dolara u financijskoj krizi, njegova neto vrijednost je smanjila s 23,5 milijarde dolara u $ 3 milijarde dolara, ali to nije prestala mu je nastavak izgradnje najveće svjetske jahte.

Tijekom protekle godine globalni ekonomski situacija se prepolovile broj milijardera u Rusiji, čime se broj do 49 i stvaranje Abromavich član sve rijetkih pasmina. Ipak, on strpljivo čeka isporuku najveća jahta na svijetu, koja je trenutno u izgradnji u Hamburgu, Njemačka, te je trebao biti dovršen u 2010.

Vlasnik jahte trenutačno smatra najveća u svijetu je Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, emir Dubaija. Ovaj super jahta mjere 531 metara u dužinu, a se zove "Dubai", a trošak svjež 350 milijuna dolara. Dubai ima osam paluba i može primiti nevjerojatnih 115 ljudi, uključujući i posadu od 88! Neke druge značajke uključuju bazena, jacuzzija i helipad, kao i salona i VIP apartmana.

Abramovič novi jahte bit će zove Eclipse, i na oko 555 metara, bit će duže nego Dubai. Inovativne značajke uključuju kino, brodogradilište podmornice (s podmorskim mogli zaroniti do dubine od 160 stopa), i dva helikoptera platforme. Kabine će moći nabavljati hranu za 24 gostiju.

Najzanimljivije osobine koje teže najvećih svjetskih jahti su svoje sigurnosne mogućnosti. Jahta dolazi opremljen s neprobojne prozori, podmornice u slučaju brzi bijeg je potrebna i radarski sustav dizajniran za signal kada je ispalio rakete na jahti.

Kao što je u privatnom vlasništvu najveća jahta na svijetu, Eclipse će zahtijevati posadu od najmanje 50 da bi se u potpunosti funkcionalna. To je ogroman trošak, i svibanj dokazati veći teret nego što je prethodno zamišljen zbog ogromnih gubitaka u neto vrijednosti ruski milijarder pretrpio između 2008 i 2009

do danas.

Abromavich's Eclipse će postaviti nove standarde u iznajmljivanju zgrada, koja jedino može biti dobro za industriju. I kad svijet gospodarstvo vrati na pravi put on je gotovo sigurno da će biti malo izazivači svojim bačen. Za sada, vlasnik onoga što će biti najveća jahta na svijetu može tvrditi da je baštinik očito "Master of the Seas".

Brandon je napisao ovaj članak za online trgovcima Hamble School of Yachting Rya Tečaj Hamble škola yachting je vodeća neovisna Royal Yachting škola Rya more škola u Velikoj Britaniji, specijalizirana u Rya škola jedrenja, krstarenja Rya motorna Rya Powerboat tečajeve i tečajeve.

Članak Izvor: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Francis

Iskustvo Luksuzni Monaco Yacht Charter

Ako želite dobiti iz prve ruke iskustva poznatih i bogatih slobodno vrijeme, a zatim razmislite Monako čarter jahti. To je divan način da nadoknaditi s izvrsnom događaju Monako Formula 1 Grand Prix. Operatori iz chartera u Monaku su vrlo sposoban i uvježban u pružanju usluga na vrhu rezultat putnicima koji žele uživati u luksuznim i životno iskustvo jedrenja. Evo malo informacija koje vam mogu pomoći u odlučivanju tijekom chartera koje biste trebali odabrati za Vaše putovanje u Monaco za F1 Grand Prix:

Vrste charter koji su na raspolaganju:

Monaco je poznat i kao jedan od najviše volio i željene destinacije za turiste koji žele istražiti ogroman Sredozemno more. Zbog tog razloga, te dobiti hrpe opcija, kada govorimo o jahti. Ako imate sredstva i žele osjetiti kraljevskog krstarenja, onda se možete odlučiti za deluxe Monaco yacht charter koja ima kompletnu liniju obučenih sstabovi, kuhari, vodič i za polaznike. Također imate mogućnost za super jahte koja je savršena za veliki party. Dakle, ako planirate za velika zabava na moru, onda iznajmljivanje super Monaco yacht charter is recommended. Ali, ako želite biti jednostavan onda možete ići sa golom brod yacht charter.

Što raditi dok ste na brodu?

Dok ste na brodu u Monaku čarter jahte, svi očekuju od vas svibanj 2 vrlo dobro volio događanja u ovoj zemlji. Prva je Velika nagrada Monaka koji je među najvažnije ističe u F1. Čak možete unajmiti pretinac za čarter jahtu Monako. To će vam ponuditi priliku vidjeti utrke koje se održavaju na brdima, pa čak i sudjelovati u brojnim emisijama i koncerti najpoznatijih svjetskih i cijenjena ličnost.

Vi svibanj također dobiti svoje Monako čarter jahtu za neke jahta pokazuju da se obično provodi u Port Herkula u rujnu. Ona dobiva stotine ljudi koji su bili uključeni u izradu i usluge jedrenje na 1. mjesto. Ako želite brojne vrhunske mogućnosti sljedeća prilika da se odlučite za Monako jahte, čine ga vrlo sigurni da ćete poštovati u ovom slučaju.

Nakon svih tih stvari, mislite da ste svibanj uživati čarter jahte Monako, ako ne prisustvovati bilo koji od navedenih događaja? Pa, da možete. Vi svibanj uzeti izlet u Cannes da je samo vožnje brodom iz Monaco. Također možete preuzeti slast na gat kao što postoje brojni kafići i restorani u kojima može biti odlično mjesto za zmiju na neke prilično dobar. Oni služe uživanja morskih plodova koji istinski zadovoljava svoju potrebu za hranom.

Monako je veliko mjesto i veoma bogate povijesti i kulture. Možete čak i istražiti poznatim muzejima i arhitekture. Dakle, Monako čarter jahta može Vam ponuditi veliki odmor uz pomoć brojnih uma puše događanja.

Monaco Yacht Charter - Jedrilice Dolmen ima veliku paletu jahti za unajmljivanje na raspolaganju na Sredozemlju, kao i niz destinacija širom svijeta.

Build Your Own Yacht from your own Yacht Design

Izgradnja jahta je jedan od najatraktivnijih zadovoljenja stvari koje možete učiniti - ako ste zainteresirani za jedrenje i jahta dizajn, that is. I mislim da ne bi bilo čitanje ovaj ukoliko nisu ozbiljno o tome. Ali nedavno sam otkrio da, iako zgrada jahta je veliku zabavu, Internet dobiva bolji čak i ako je jahta koju ste sami dizajniran.


Prije svega, vidjet ćete da to daje vam potpuno novi uvid u tehnikalije yacht gradnje. Kada ste sljedeće netko drugi plan, vi samo stavite stvari gdje su oni, jer to je ono što kaže plana. Ali kad ste projektiranje trupa, te stavite stvari gdje su jer ste razvili uvid u dizajn i to je gdje mislite da će biti najučinkovitije. Isto vrijedi i za oblike i veličine. To je razlika između slijepac nakon rukohvat i kratkovidan čovjek smjelo striding se na svoj na novi, nepoznati teritorij. There's no samo usporedba!


Drugo, dobivate fleksibilnost. Slijedeći tuđi dizajn znači da, ako želite postići desnom kraju rezultat, morate slijediti njihove upute za pismo. Ako ne, da ćete završiti s bitova koji se ne uklapaju u kojoj bi trebali stati, ili da se ne podudaraju se s drugim bitova koji se nisu promijenile. Ako sastaviti vlastitu jahtu dizajn to sami možete mijenjati vaše dizajn kao i ti ići zajedno.

Provjerite i otići

Nije da bih ga preporučujem, ali ponekad, kao što nastavite sa svojim graditi, vi ćete iznenada dolazi do ideje za poboljšanje ili spoznaja da nešto može biti bolje. U tom slučaju možete se vratiti na svoju jahtu dizajn i re-matrica prema potrebi. Provjerite hidrostatski i povucite izračuni utvrditi učinak promjene, i nastaviti. Poboljšanje kao i ti ići.

Ključ svega je to što softver da ostvari svoju jahtu dizajn i razvoj kao i radite kroz faze izgradnje. Prosječan Joe nikada ne bi mogao imati zamišljen kao takav softver u prošlosti, ali srećom za nas, tu je sada softver koji će Vam omogućiti da se sve to i više za samo djelić cijene koja je nekad bila.

Pronađite naša kako možete dobiti vlastitu Yacht Design ideje u ispisati na vrlo nisku cijenu s ovim izuzetan novi dizajn softver jahte. Vjerojatno ćete uskoro pronaći možete započeti prodaje svoju jahtu planove previše - a to je šećer na kraju! http://www.boat-design-software.com

Članak Izvor: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_R_Richards

Kako pomoći Homeless

Ima li bilo koji način da zaista pomažu beskućnicima? Da li predaje prosjak dolar napraviti bilo koji dobar? Tražite brzu pomoć ili želite pomoći riješiti rješenje? Najveći problem je beskućnik nisu grupa iste osobe tako da svoje probleme nisu isto tako isto rješenje neće raditi za sve.

Prije svega je razlog za njihovu beskućništvo nije isto. Da neki su zbog ovisnosti - kako alkohol i droge. Drugi imaju psihološke probleme. A onda je najbrže rastući segment odnosi se na one koji traje od nasilje u braku. A neki od njih jednostavno su provodili svoje prihode i završio na ulicama sa spirala koja dovodi do gubitka posla i gubitka za sve ostalo.

Dakle imate 2 avenijama pomoći - dugoročno rješenje i kratkoročnih škripac. Dugoročno rješenje uključuje i nalaz im radna mjesta i pristupačne kućište. Dugoročno rješenje također fokusira na utvrđivanju drugim pitanjima - ovisnosti, psihološku i emocionalnu pomoć, karijeru i obitelj savjetovanja. Tako dugi rok rješenja pomoći sa ekonomskim sredstvima da ih sići ulice i mentalnih problema pri savladavanju tako da oni ne završe nazad na ulicu.

No, budući da većina ljudi samo žele kratki brzi odgovor sada ćemo komentirati o načinima kako pomoći beskućnicima bave njihovim svakodnevnim problemima. Iako su ova rješenja od vitalnog značaja za njih preživjele oni učiniti ništa da im pomogne sići Street - oni će im pomoći nositi s ulice.

Što učiniti kada vidiš nekoga da drži gore znak, "će raditi za hranu"? Da li roll down your prozora i dati im novac? Da li praviti ih niste vidjeli? Nitko ne voli da se suočavaju beskućnici - njihove potrebe često čini previše neodoljiv - ali mi svi žele da ih tretiraju pošteno i pravedno.

Ovdje su neke jednostavne smjernice za Vas opremiti da zaista pomogne beskućnika te sresti:

Prije svega nemojte dati novac za beskućnike. Ako želite da doniraju novac dati u sklonište koje vodi brigu o njima. Prečesto, razvedenih pokloni se pretvaraju u drogu ili alkohol - čak i kada je "loša sreća", priče reći da su istinite. Ako osoba je gladan, kupite ih sendvič i piće. Uzimanje vremena za razgovor s beskućnik osoba u prijateljski, uljudan način može dati im prekrasan osjećaj civilnosti i dostojanstva. A osim toga se samo prijateljski, daje osoba oružje u borbi protiv izolacije, depresije i paranoje da mnogi beskućnika lice.

Beskućnici su kao i raznolik kao dugine boje. Osoba koje susrećete svibanj biti pohaban žene, ovisan veteran, nekoga tko je bez posla vještina ... lista ide dalje. Molimo Vas da ih ne tretiraju sve kao o drogi - ovisnik stari beskućnik smo svim slikama je samo 25% stanovništva. Na taj način probati i liječiti ih s poštovanjem - ne zaboravite da su još uvijek previše ljudi kao što ste se bave s njima pomoći im da sami pomoći. Uzmite ih u odgovarajuće beskućnike zaklon. Većina skloništa ponuditi neposrednu hranu i sklonište na beskućništvo kroz svoje hitne skloništa. Mnogi nude dugoročne programe rehabilitacije koji se bave uzroka beskućnik. Mnogi nude i "karte" koje se mogu dati beskućnika koje se mogu promijeniti u sklonište za zloglasnog obrok, siguran smještaj preko noći, te mogućnost sudjelovanja u programu rehabilitacije. Izloženosti elementima, prljavštine, povremeno nasilje i nedostatak svrha svih odvoda godina života osobe. Bog može koristiti na vašim molitvama i brutalnosti i ispraznosti života ulice donijeti mnoge pokvario sebi. Pa molim molite za beskućnike.

Dakle želite učiniti nešto više. Njihove neposredne potrebe su osnove - hranu, odjeću i obuću. Na taj način možete uzeti hranu za beskućnike. Get s lokalnim trgovine i pitati ako možete imati dnevno ostaci hrane i datum istekao. Uzmi u sklonište. Ako vam se sviđa postaviti tjedno putovanje i odvesti ih dovoljno hrane svaki tjedan - sada ste čine veliku razliku. Ponesite sa sobom svoju djecu. Još jedan velik put to pomoć je da se vaš dodatni cipele, kaputi i odjeću. Imate odjeću voziti u vašem susjedstvu, učinite to na mjesečnoj osnovi - ako vam se svidi - beskućnike stanovnici sljedeći mjesec najvjerojatnije nisu beskućnici stanovnika koji su bili tamo za ovaj mjesec.

Beskućnik u Americi rastu velikom brzinom, a mi svi trebamo vertikala u i pomoći. Ispod su neki zapanjujući činjenice u odnosu na beskućnike brojeve i njihove uvjete:

1. Obitelj Beskućništvo: Novi društveni problem

Osim za vrijeme Velike depresije, žena i djece, nikada nisu bili na ulicama našeg naroda u

velikom broju. Tijekom 1980's, smanjenja u koristi zajedno s naglo povećanje iznajmljuje i nedostatak niskim prihodima stambenog ugrožena stabilnost svih ljudi sa smanjenim ili fiksnim prihodima. Istovremeno, broj žena-domaćinstava dramatično porasla. Kao rezultat toga, nacije populacije beskućnika obitelji nadut od gotovo zanemarljiv broj na gotovo 40% ukupne populacije beskućnika danas. Sjedinjene Države u jedinstven među industrijaliziranim nacijama u da su žene i djeca čine tako veliki postotak naše zemlje bez krova nad glavom.

2. Više od milijun Homeless Children

Iako računajući točan broj beskućnika djece je teško, konsenzus je koji se pojavljuje među istraživačima. Prema Nacionalna koalicija za beskućnike, 1.2 milijuna djece su beskućnici, na bilo koji određen noć. Podrška ta brojka su procjene iz US Department of Education da izvješće gotovo 400.000 beskućnika djeca su služili od strane naroda javnim školama prošle godine. Budući da više od polovice svih beskućnika djece ispod 6 godina i nije još u školi, najmanje 800.000 djece može se pretpostaviti da je beskućnik. Na temelju tih podataka, National Center on Family Beskućnik zaključuje da su više od milijun američkih djece bez doma danas.

3. Obitelj Beskućnik će se povećati

Pogled u tekući brojevi, National Center on Family Beskućnik (NCFH) predviđa da

zbijeno stambenog tržišta uz smanjenje dostupnosti novčana davanja kao rezultat socijalne

reforma će dovesti do povećanja obitelji beskućništvo. Da biste utvrdili koje države će imati najveći problem, NCFH stvorio indeks od sedam faktora rizika za obitelj beskućništvo. Ti faktori su bili identificirani iz epidemiološka istraživanja provedena tijekom posljednjih deset godina. Rangiranje stanja prikazan je u izvješću.

Part II

1. Beskućništvo Makes Djeca Sick

Istraživači iz NCFH su izolirane beskućništvo kao izravan prediktor specifičnih djetinjstva bolesti.

Homeless djece:

• Jesu li u fer ili lošeg zdravlja dvaput onoliko često koliko je druge djece i četiri puta toliko često kao i djeca čije obitelji zarađuju više od 35.000 dolara godišnje.

• Imati više stope niske porođajne težine i trebaju posebnu njegu odmah nakon rođenja četiri puta toliko često kao druga djeca.

• imaju vrlo visoke stope akutnih bolesti, a polovica pate od dva ili više simptoma tijekom jednog mjeseca.

• Imati dvaput onoliko uha, pet puta više proljeva i želučanih problema, i šest puta više govora i stammering probleme.

• Jesu li četiri puta veću vjerojatnost da će astmatičara.

• gladan Idi na više od dva puta po stopi od druge djece.

2. Beskućništvo Wounds Young Children

Svaki dan, djeca beskućnici su suočeni s stresno, često traumatskih događaja.

• 74% djece beskućnika brinuti da će imati mjesto za život.

• 58% brinuti da će imati mjesto za spavanje.

• 87% bojazni da će se nešto loše će se dogoditi na njihove obitelji.

U roku od jedne godine:

• 97% djece beskućnika kretati, mnogi su i do tri puta.

• Više od 30% su istjerani iz svojih stambenih.

• 22% su odvojeni od svojih obitelji da se stavi u udomljen ili poslao da živi s relativno.

• Gotovo 25% sam svjedok nasilja u obitelji.

Konstanta nasip od stresnog i traumatskih iskustava ima dubok utjecaj na kognitivni i emocionalni razvoj djece beskućnika.

• Homeless djeca pokazuju značajno sporiji razvoj nego druga djeca.

• Više od jedne petine beskućnika djece između 3 i 6 godina imaju emocionalne probleme dovoljno ozbiljne da zahtijevaju profesionalnu njegu.

• Homeless djecu između 6 i 17 godina borbe s vrlo visokim stopama mentalnih problema.

• Manje od jedne trećine djece beskućnika se prima tretman mentalno zdravlje.

3. Beskućništvo uništava Obitelji

Obitelji su najbrže rastući segment populacije beskućnika, sada računovodstvo za gotovo 40% nacije beskućnika. Više od 85% od beskućnika su na čelu obitelji samohrane majke, s prosječna obitelj beskućnika čine mlade majke i svoje dvoje male djece, od kojih su većina ispod dobi od 6 godina.

Homeless majke imaju prosječni godišnji prihod ispod $ 8000, živi na 63% od savezne razine siromaštva za tri obitelji.

• Samo 21% od beskućnika majke dobivaju novac od porodice, partnera ili prijatelja.

• 39% su bili hospitalizirani na liječenje.

• 22% imaju astmu, u odnosu na 5% od drugih žena ispod 45 godina.

• 20% su anemija, u odnosu na 2% od drugih žena ispod 45 godina.

• 40% izvješće alkohola ili droga ovisnosti u nekom trenutku svog života.

Iako 70% očeva djece beskućnika u doticaju sa svojom djecom, većina ne živi s obitelji. Spirala u beskućništvo za dijete često ubrzan ako otac izgubi posao, postaje ozlijeđen ili bolestan, ima nastup s alkoholom ili drogama, ili je uključen u sustav kaznenog pravosuđa.

• 50% očeva su nezaposleni.

• 43% ima problema s drogom ili alkoholom.

• 31% su fizički ili mentalno zdravlje problematika.

• 32% su u zatvoru ili na probni rok.

Homeless djeca su posebno visoki rizik za što se u udomljen, 12% djece beskućnika su smještene u udomiteljstvo u odnosu na nešto više od 1% od druge djece. Nacionalni centar za obitelj Beskućnik je identificirala plasman u udomljen kao jedan od samo dva djetinjstva rizične čimbenike koji predviđa obitelj beskućništvo tijekom odrastanja.

• 44% majki beskućnika živjeli izvan svojih domova u nekom trenutku tijekom svog djetinjstva, 20% tih žena su bili smješteni u udomljen.

• 70% majki bez krova nad glavom smještene u udomiteljstvo kao što su djeca imala barem jedno od svoje djece u udomljen.

Učestalost nasilja u životu beskućnika majke je zapanjujući.

• 63% su bili nasilno zlostavljani od strane intimnih muških partnera.

• 27% ih je potrebno liječenje zbog nasilja muški intimni partner.

• 25% su fizički ili seksualno zlostavljani tijekom odrastanja prema nekim drugim osim intimni partner.

• 66% su bili nasilno zlostavljao u djetinjstvu privremena ili druga odrasla osoba u kućanstvu, prije nego dosegne 18.

• 43% su bili seksualno zlostavljao kao djeca.

Kada je u kombinaciji nasilje iz svoje djetinjstvo sa svojim iskustvima kao i odrasli, 92% beskućnika

majke su ozbiljno fizički ili seksualno zlostavljano, 88% su bili nasilno zlostavljao obitelj

član ili intimni partner. Ovi ponavljaju dela brutalnosti rezultat u neuobičajeno visoke stope ozbiljnih

emocionalni problemi među ljude bez majke.

• 36% su imali Post-traumatski stresni poremećaj, tri puta po stopi od drugih žena.

• 45% su imali veliki depresivni poremećaj, dva puta po stopi od drugih žena.

• 31% pokušalo samoubojstvo najmanje jednom, ponajprije za vrijeme adolescencije.

• 12% su bili hospitalizirani za liječenje mentalnih bolesti.

Među beskućnicima djece:

• 8% su bili fizički zlostavljani, dva puta po stopi od druge djece.

• 8% su bili seksualno zlostavljani, tri puta po stopi od druge djece.

• 35% su bili predmet istrage za zaštitu djece.

• 24% sam svjedok nasilja u obitelji.

• 15% su vidjeli svoga oca udario svoju majku.

• 11% vidio svoju majku zlostavljani od strane muškog partnera.

4. Homeless Children Struggle u školi

Unatoč naporima državne i federalne pružiti djeci beskućnicima bolji pristup sa javne škole, najmanje jedna petina beskućnici, djeca ne idu u školu.

Beskućništvo uzima djecu daleko od svoje škole i razredu. Za mnoge ljude bez stana


• Nema prijevoz od skloništa do škole.

• improviziranom dnevni aranžmani su prekratko da bi se upisujete u novoj školi isplatila.

• Nedostatak akademska i medicinsku dokumentaciju stvara prepreke za registraciju.

• Dnevni zahtjevi za pronalaženje hrane i zaklon gurati dječja obrazovnim potrebama u stranu.

Homeless djecu koja idu u školu kako upravljati lice obeshrabrujući prepreke za njihov akademski uspjeh.

• Homeless djeca imaju četiri puta prosječna stopa kašnjenja razvoja.

• Imate li još akademskih problema koje druge djece.

• Da li je služio pod posebnim obrazovanje.

• Jesu li suspendirane dvaput onoliko često kao i druga djeca.

Među beskućnik djece, postoji dva puta broj studenata s invaliditetom učenje i tri puta

broj studenata s emocionalne i probleme u ponašanju.

Homeless djeca su dvaput vjerojatnije da ponovi razred.

• 21% djece beskućnika ponoviti razred zbog čestih izbivanja iz škole, u odnosu na 5% od druge djece.

• 14% ponavljanje razreda, jer su se preselili u novu školu, u odnosu na 5% od druge djece.

U roku od jedne godine:

• 40% djece beskućnika pohađati dvije različite škole.

• 28% pohađati tri ili više različitih škola.

Tako se oni trebaju vašu pomoć. Počnite s kratkom roku pomoć - osigurati hranu i odjeću i obuću, kao i dobiti uključeni početi razmišljati o načinima kako pomoći dugoročne potrebe. Sa sadašnje gospodarske uvjete njezin jedini idući u dobiti gori, I više od toga će biti potrebna pomoć, i kada slika beskućnicima molimo sliku beskućnicima dijete, a ne pijani, pan rukovanje skitnica. To je beskućnik dijete tako očajnički treba vašu pomoć.

Boake Moore je IT inženjer prodaje po trgovini i osnovao kava tvrtka non-profit zove Misija Grounds Gourmet Coffee -. On daruje sve svoje dobit i prihod za pomaganje siročadi i djece osiromašena. I pomaganje beskućnicima djece u Sjedinjenim Državama. Možete pomoći beskućnicima direktno kupujući cipele, odjeću i kaputi u http://www.missiongrounds.com

Review of Secrets Pas Odgajanje

Za vlasnike pasa sa uznemiruje, Secrets Dog Training program mogao biti vrlo korisna u ispravljanju loše ponašanje svoje kućne ljubimce. Bez obzira koliko stari ili mladi pas, Secrets Dog Training Program je siguran da radi kada ga koristi kao sustav obuke za vašeg ljubimca.

Pas Odgajanje Tajna to pomaže više od 60.000 vlasnika pasa u ponašanju koje se bave pitanjima u svoje pse i bit će sigurno pomoći mnogo više. Koristeći ovaj program će izraditi Internet lahak za vas to vas naučiti tvoj pas, slušati i razumjeti naredbe da vam ga dati, kao i da ispravi bilo koje probleme u ponašanju vašeg psa svibanj imati. Ovaj trening program je velik za bilo koji vlasnik psa bez obzira na njihovu razinu obuke iskustvo, i vrlo je jednostavan i za psa i vlasnika da naučiti.

Bit ćete u mogućnosti to odgonetati što ne rade ispravno, kada nastave s tvoj pas Dog Training Secrets. Ukoliko vlasnik psa ne pravilno komunicirati sa svojim psom, to bi moglo dovesti do loše ponašanje, a zbog toga je često na rukama vlasnika psa je trening koji je pas uči loše ponašanje. Secrets Dog Training program će vas naučiti kako učinkovito komunicirati sa svojim psom, tako da možete početi ih obuku na način koji će donijeti pozitivne rezultate.

Također ćete dobiti puno od alat to pomoći te kako započeti s odgajanje tvoj pas. Te htijenje dobiti elektronička knjiga koja je 260 stranica dug i 30 minute video koji možete preuzeti, koja će vam pokazati kako pravilno trenirati vašeg psa. Vi čak ne morate čekati da materijal biti poslan na vas, to je sve trenutak preuzeti na svoje računalo čim se završi kupnje. Nakon što kupite proizvod, te će se moći početi učenje i čitanje.

Također ćete imati koristi od neograničen pomoć od stručnih trenera i psa programa momčad trenera. Ako imate poteškoća odgajanje tvoj pas, ova sredstva mogla pokazati da je vrijedan više nego što bi svaki zamisliti, pogotovo ako vam se trebaju dodatnu pomoć pokušava ispraviti teško loše ponašanje.

Problema koje ovaj sustav može Vam pomoći s nastavlja i dalje. Neka od pitanja koja pas ponašanje Pas Odgajanje Tajna to vam mogu pomoći su:

Kuća Breaking

Vicious Ponašanja

Dominacija pitanja

Skakanje gore


Žvakaća - to plomba

Coprophagia - Breaking The Habit

Suočavanje s razdvajanja anksioznost.


Također, ovaj sustav će vam pokazati kako napraviti popularan tehnike, kao što je pas šaputanje, koji će vam pomoći u obuci. Veliki dio elektronička knjiga je o humanoj edukacijske tehnike za pse, koji je pokazao da rade izvrsno, kada je u pitanju trening pasa.

Vi ne samo da će biti uzimajući video i knjiga, ali mnoge druge bonuse koje će cijenu programa pas trening. Uključena u ove dodatni bonusi su audio knjiga, vodič za koje se bave pas agresija, vodič za pas timarenje, vodič za najbolju kuću metode treninga, treninga vodiča za sigurnost psa, a vodič će vam pomoći da naučite da se položaj alfa pas u paket, koji će pomoći da vaš pas bude puno više otvoreni i odgovarajući trening kako god vam predstaviti na njega.

Više od svega, da Pas Odgajanje Tajna sistem rada predivno za svaku osobu koja je imala problema obuku svoje pseće. To je cijena biti pristupačna, to je nevjerojatno lako razumjeti i naučiti, te će biti daleko efikasniji i troškovno učinkovita te kako od vremena i novca da bi stajalo da zaposli pas odgojitelj.

subota, 21. studenoga 2009.

Best Gaming Miš možete kupiti

Ako ste još uvijek koriste Standard 2 gumb miša igrati svoje igre, vi ste godina iza mojih prijatelja, ja Morate nadograditi na pravi posao miš za pravi igrač. Evo moje top 5 izbor za miša te treba koristiti.

Logitech MX 518

# 1. Logitech MX 518 High Performance Optical (Metal)

Logitech MX 518 Vjerojatno je najbolji igre MIŠ, MIŠ najbolje cijene dostupan na tržištu. JA ažurirati na from Logitech G5 Gaming Miš na ovu Bad Boy i nisu ga ZAO Jer. Ovaj miš ima sve što vam je potrebno i više kako bi povećali svoje gaming iskustvo.

# 2. Microsoft SideWinder

Sljedeći MIŠ Preporucujem je Microsoft SideWinder. Ovaj miš ima Novi izgled nego standardni miš i pruža iznimno iskustvo igranja onome tko kupuje ovaj miš. Ima nekoliko tipki da biste dobili hotkey procesu u igrama rukovan lako i miša dizajn je solidan i profesionalni. Da ne spominjem Možete iznenaditi svoje prijatelje s ovog jedinstvenog izgleda kao miš.

# 3. Logitech G5 Laser (plava ili crna dostupan)

Ovaj miš je moja favoritkinja za godine, do novijih Mx 518 iziđe. G5 mi dobro služili u mojem posljednjih nekoliko godina igranja. Ona ima nekoliko prilagodljiv gumbe, brze DPI swap u blizini Srednje Dođite, i ono što neki ljudi svibanj izlaziti; stambenog mreže stil za kabel. Dopustite mi da vam kazem, imam puno koristi od ovog miša i ako to nije bila za način na koji su zaštićeni kabel, ovaj miš bi umro mnogo ranije nego što je to na mene. Ovaj miš mi je služio dobro.

# 4. SteelSeries-Special Edition World of Warcraft

Ja osobno ne imati bilo koji iskustvo sa Ovim mišem, ali ako nisam već ono što mislim da je najbolji miš, ovo će biti moj izbor # 4. Ovaj miš je dizajnirana posebno za World of Warcraft igra.

# 5. Logitech G9 Laser Mouse

Logitech G9, zadnja na mojoj listi, ali nije ništa manje nego što biste očekivali od kvalitete proizvoda Logitech. Ovaj miš nudi iznimnu stil, preciznost, težina tuning sustav, sličan G5, kako bi osigurao te sa visokim kvalitetom igre iskustvo.

Pa, tamo ga imate. Ako još uvijek nisu nadogradili svoje slabašan 2 gumb optički miš ipak, to još danas! Da su svi pristupačni i vrlo učinkovita rješenja za dobivanje te desnom tipkom miša na SVOJU igru.

Donald Trump i Robert Kiyosaki je razlog zašto želimo biti bogat - pregled

Kada Donald Trump i Robert Kiyosaki susret u 2005, oni su brzo otkrili su mnogo toga zajedničkog osobito njihova uvjerenja o Americi 'gospodarskog stanja. Dva česta vjerovanja dijele su: bogata je obogaćuju, ali Amerika kao nacija postaje siromašnija i nedostatak financijskih obrazovanja.

Kao oni su započeli svoje formulirati svoje knjige i Trump ja Kiyosaki htjela naglasiti važnost dobivanja financijske obrazovanje i oni stvarno ne želim da dožive financijski uspjeh. Ne samo da će nam ona koristi, ali će kořist Amerike.

Nemojte se ideja da se "Why We Want You To Be Rich" je korak po korak vodič o tome kako MILIJUNI, umjesto da knjiga služi kao vodič iza filozofski koncept postanu bogati. Donald Trump i Robert Kiyosaki motivirani pohlepom nisu, ali u vlastitoj zaštiti od America's financijske izglede. Oni znaju važnost jake srednje klase u Americi održavanju financijske budućnosti.

Jedan od njihovih glavnih rješenja u obnovi zdrave ekonomije je za nas financijski postati obrazovani. To je vrijeme za nas da preuzmu odgovornost za našu budućnost. Škole nas educirati o tome kako biti dobar zaposlenicima ili vlasnicima malih tvrtki i sl.., Ali nismo Poučení kako da se Veliki poslovni vlasnika ili investitora. Uglavnom, mi smo Poučení da Vlada će se pobrinuti za nas i mi smo bili naučeni vjerovati drugima da se rasol za nas novac, ne ovisi o nama samima. Ako ćemo biti bogati, trebamo znati RAZLIČITIH mnogo načina da zaradite novac s novcem.

Kako započeti proces sebe obrazovati financijski i gdje ćemo Tražiti financijske prilike? Evo nekoliko savjeta iz Donald Trump. Biti neovisna! Moramo uzeti vremena za shvatiti stvari za sebe inače smo na milost i nemilost ljudi koji svibanj ne imati naše najbolje interese na UMU. Pregledajte naše sposobnosti, interesi i sklonosti i ostati otvorena za ideje mi obično ne mogu zabavljati. On kaže, "Opportunity dolazi u različitim paketima i da imamo neke velike stvari se dogodilo nakon wipeouts" Trump također kaže: "Budi zahvalan, budite oprezni i zabavite se."

Savjeti iz Robert Kiyosaki: "Ako ne radite ono što volite, onda ga početi raditi, čak i ako je samo dio vremena". Početi ulagati u stvari koje volim i koji ih zanimaju, tako da ste više uključeni i usmjerena na ishod. Najam mentora ili trenera pomoći i voditi vas. Postati dobar u proračuna.

Još jedna stvar Trump ja Kiyosaki dogovoriti je njihovo vjerovanje u mrežnom marketingu kao održiv izvor prihoda. Marketing je Moćan alat i mreže marketinga uvelike povećava taj moć, posebno za jednog Koji su motivirani.

U zaključku, da je vrijeme za nas da se odgovorni za našu budućnost. To je vrijeme za lidere i manje sljedbenika. Vrijeme je za nas samo da bi počeli!

Dana Carmichael RECENZIJE Why We Want You To Be Rich scenarist: Donald Trump i Robert Kiyosaki. Oglas nekoliko ključnih točaka iz knjige, kao što su važnost financijske Edukacije i POTREBA pojedinaca da preuzmu odgovornost za našu budućnost u nadi da će jačanje America's financijske krajolik.

petak, 20. studenoga 2009.

Angel Christmas Cards - Let a Joyful Angel Help You Share Your Season's Greetings

Angels are a common symbol of the Christmas season so their presence in holiday cards is not surprising. But what is surprising is how many stellar card designs are featuring this traditional item. The result is a complete line of lovely, heartwarming angel Christmas cards for everyone.

The Amazing Angel design is a superb example. A delightful cartoon angel flies across the scene announcing "Rejoice" to revelers near and far. Above her is draped a cheerful red decoration that is the ideal offset for the white background. Ann Kelle has really outdone herself with this fine offering for the current Christmas season.

Even better, you can create your own text. Select a favorite line of poetry from your favorite Christmas poem. Write a few words to friends and relatives straight from the heart. Or, use the text that's already featured on the card. However you choose to express yourself the message will be clear: Rejoice!

Another Ann Kelle angel-themed Christmas card is the Angelic Adventure. A tiny cartoon angel floats above the main body on the upper right, looking over and looking out for everyone. The red background creates a cheerful mood and frames the central image area perfectly.

That image area is yours to design. Select a candid photo of your children smiling during the holiday season. Take a snapshot of the family dog rolling in the snow piling up. Find a picture of a lovely hearth with a warm fire creating a glow around the family room. Whatever you select, your card is sure to be a keepsake long after Christmas has come and gone.

The Airy Angel design is a favorite of many. No wonder. The little angel graphic from Turquoise Creative is one of their finest. The delicate green outfit and blue wings are done in the most abstract style. Yet, the effect is to bring home the spirit of the season.

The beauty of this card doesn't stop there. Above the angel you have two image areas to fill, so you don't have to kill yourself trying to decide which photo to feature. Choose some individual portraits of the kids, or show interior and exterior shots of your home at this special time of year. Then, use the large white space below to compose your personal message of love and joy.

The Spinning Angels Christmas card shows a delightful yellow angel graphic forming a symmetric element on the lower half that will have your head spinning. Above it is a large image area for that unique portrait that will turn your card into a personalized message of happiness during the holiday season.

Choose from dozens of delightful angel Christmas cards. Select one that will bring joy to friends and family near and far. That is, choose any design!

2010 Kalendar - Dobiti Slobodan Nova Godina Printable kalendar

Kao što je 2009 godine bliži se kraju, možemo početi gledati prema naprijed a žudnja i entuzijazmom za 2010 do sebe predstaviti. Usred ove žudnja i nada da će ljubav proći kroz Kalendar 2010. Većina od nas bi najprije provjeriti dana od datuma rođenja, godišnjice ili posebne dane sebe i voljene as well. Drugo važno gledati kroz kalendar 2010 dana na odmor koji pada, kad smo se odlučiti za dugi vikend u planu nešto uzbudljivo možda kratko Veža s obitelji i prijateljima.

Sa Internet prethodi DNEVNI RED u naše živote, mi treba od stvari nad njim i provodimo Većinu našeg vremena na to. Ostati u kontaktu s obitelji, prijateljima i kolegama preko e-mail, radi naše račune, izradu prezentacija i tako dalje je sve učinjeno putem računala. Uz ovaj Virtualni brzo dobivaju u dobi, mi inklinirati želimo jedni drugima naše najbolje želje također putem e-razglednice. Tako nam je potrebno da biste pronašli dobar Desktop Calendar utovaren na našem računalu.

Za lociranje vrste slobodnog 2010 Kalendari, samo Trebate Tražiti ih na internetu ... i mi ćemo biti poplavljen sa bezbroj atraktivnih kalendarima na različite teme, koje su besplatne za download. Za specijalizirane teme, kao što su festival teme, teme crtica, prirodni krajolik teme, poslovne teme možemo ih traže previše. Neki od njih dolaze uz mogućnost izmjene i pregleda ih prije upotrebe.

Kada koristite Free Kalendar 2010, moći ćemo označiti i Istaknuti naše važne datume i raspored naših dnevno ili tjedno ili mjesečno rutina, kao i pribilježiti obveza i pregleda, sastanci sa liječnicima, školski savjetnici i tako dalje. To postaje prilično zgodan i koristan kao i mi svi vode jako zauzet živi.

Nakon što označavanje ili obilježavanje važnih datuma, ako želimo možemo koristiti naš kalendar 2010 kalendar kao desktop kalendar ", pa čak i dobiti ga tiskan ne stavljen na našoj oglasnoj ploči možda na naš radni stol ili kod kuće.

Printable free Kalendar za 2010 se može koristiti kada je u uredu kao službeni kalendar. Prvo bismo mogli označiti sve naše važne datume, Rok datume, sastanke i roundup datume, datume odmora i drugih posebnih dana. Ovaj Konačni skup 2010 Kalendar Zatim može biti tiskan i distribuiran među zaposlenicima, tako da nema zabune ili glupan se o datumima i važne događaje. Ovo će osigurati uniformnost i Pravilan protok komunikacije Unutar Ureda osoblja. Osim redovne uredu, školama, fakultetima i drugim obrazovnim ustanovama također Mogla odlučiti za ispis Calendar 2010 koji bi mogao sadržavati datume test, pregled datuma i praznike kao dobro. To bi se moglo koristiti učenici i školsko osoblje previše.

Dakle, pregledavanje SRETAN DOK počinje Tražiti besplatno 2010 Kalendar, tema Koja istinski žalbe naše oči. Onda TRAG U NAŠIM važnim datumima ja ga Postavite kao Desktop kalendar koji će podsjećati sve nas od naših važnih zadaća sa svakim danom. Ako je moguće onda, mi također mogli opirati se za besplatno štampati 2010 Kalendar kojima možemo ga ispisati i distribuirati među naši rođaci i prijatelji slično posebno na novu godinu dana i želio ih kao dobro. Sretna 2010 svima vama!

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Online Recipes For All

With the many recipes that come out of the head of people on a daily basis, it is hard to track and chart every single one. That is why the internet is there to help. With the internet, online recipes can now be a thing to trump paperback recipes. There are many reasons why online recipes are getting so popular nowadays. With the advancement of technology, it is no wonder how. Here are some helpful online recipe sites that have made it into the Internets top:

1. allrecipes[dot]com- is a website where they offer recipes, ingredients, articles, and much more. The good things about allrecipes[dot]com come from the women themselves. Normal everyday women have a meal that works and they post it on the site. That is the great thing about this site because they are meals that have been tried by the most modest of pallets. The site allows for your own opinion to be voiced as well. There is never a complaint that goes unnoticed.

2. bettycrocker[dot]com- is another site where you can have a simpler navigation. With easy to make recipes ready for you, all you need to do is type that you have chicken to make dinner and the search engine on the site does the work for you. There will be several options that will be available for you. You won't have to fish through the website to find what you are looking for. Who doesn't like the cooking from Betty Crocker?

3. marthastewart[dot]com- is the final site that is known to all people who know the famous Martha Stewart. There are many things which Martha can do and cooking is another talent that she loves to share. With the many recipes that you can find on this website, they teach you on how to make it the way it should be. Your family will be happy that you found a Martha recipe and were able to follow the simple directions. That is the beauty of the site.

With online recipes making the popularity of the internet, more and more women and men are getting back into the kitchen and cooking up some home cooking for their families. There are many recipes that can be found to fit any appetite. With the many recipe sites available, there will be more to come. Online recipes are only a start to something better for the cooking person in the family. There is nothing better than a home cooked meal.

There are many people who love to cook and are always upset when they have to get a big book that their mother gave to them on their wedding day. With online recipes, you can get the recipe that you need at the moment and if you don't like how it turns out, then you can simply throw it away. Online recipes are simple recipes that don't take a lot of work to get accomplished. Next time you are looking for a quick and easy recipe, look at the online recipes found at the above sites.

Lisa is an avid writer and loves reviewing products that you can read about like the drywall jack and the drywall panel lift.

Where Did Pancakes Originate From?

It is very hard to say where did pancakes originate from. This food has been present on our tables for many centuries and it is rather hard to state where it comes from and when was it first made and of course by whom.

Pancakes are eaten almost in every home and it is very common phenomenon that people around the world wonder where did pancakes originate from.

The history of pancakes was investigated and it can be said that this food is the descendant of early Neolithic flatbreads, which were made on stones. Later pancakes were made by Romans, who swaggered across the Europe. It is known that pancakes made by Romans were served with pepper and honey.

Pancakes were made not only by Romans. They were also made by English and Dutch people. The earliest saved culinary manuscript from 1430 mentions pancakes. English and Dutch settlers brought pancakes made from flour to America for the first time.

In America, pancake generally refers to the classic white-flour kind, which is often made with buttermilk instead of milk. But it was not always like this. The original American pancakes were made from ground cornmeal by Native Americans, who called it nokehic. It was introduced to European settlers in the early 1600s, and it was renamed from nokehic to "no cake". In 1700s, the Dutch people added buckwheat pannekoeken to the American menu, and the British introduced the tradition of pancake feasts, held on Shrove Tuesday as a final celebration before the Lent.

By the 1800s, hoecakes (made from cornmeal) became popular in America. These pancakes are called like this, because they were cooked on the blade of a hoe over an open fire by field laborers. In addition, rice cakes became more popular. Delicate cornmeal johnnycakes came from Rhode Island. Miners and lumberjacks favored sourdough pancakes made from "wild" yeast starter.

Nowadays, when people are rediscovering all kinds of wonderful recipes the interest in regional American cooking is becoming bigger and bigger.

For more details you might want to read the guide to the origins of pancakes that can be found on my website dedicated solely to homemade pancakes

Zero Gravity Chair

Are you wondering what a Zero Gravity Chair is? Obviously, it's some kind of chair, right. But, where did the name Zero Gravity Chair come from? Well the concept of "Zero Gravity" is taken from our Astronaut's lingo. It means being in the state of zero gravity which is being in a state of no gravity. This means not having the effects of gravity on the body or being in a state of weightlessness. Think of the astronaut's floating around in space attached only by a cable because they're not affected by gravity, they're weightless. No, you don't float around in this chair. The zero gravity chair is supposedly able to give you the feeling of zero gravity or weightlessness.

The design of the chair allows you to recline back 135 to 180 degrees, achieving the position of zero gravity. When you recline back the chair places you in a near lying position just like we see the astronaut's in the space shuttle. When lying in this Astronaut-like position the effect of gravity is more evenly spread out across your entire body rather than focused in one major area.

A typical chair has us in an upright position and the force of gravity is focused upon the top of our head. Gravity pushes downward vertically upon our heads. This vertical pressing upon the head is then distributed down into the rest of the body beneath the head and ends where our buttocks and thighs meet the chair seat.

So, in an upright position we feel the effects of gravity much more than if we were in a Zero Gravity position lying reclined.

In an upright chair you'd mostly likely be aware of the pressure pushing into your buttocks region and the backs of your thighs. If your mother wasn't standing next to you telling you to sit up straight, you'd probably allow your head to migrate forward and your shoulders to roll forward while in your typical chair. Of course we only do this because we're trying to get closer to the game on TV or diligently working on your laptop, or we're just plain tired and can't hold ourselves upright. So, in your slouchy position of upright sitting you're not only going to feel pressure in your buttocks region, but also in your low back region, your neck and shoulders. You might even eventually experience a headache.

What's nice about the Zero Gravity Chair is if you desire the upright position, it's an option of the chair, but if you'd rather experience the distribution of gravity across your body, then you can recline back into the zero gravity position and avoid all the un-comforts of the upright chair. The Zero Gravity Chair also makes it very difficult to slip into our slouchy upright posture, good posture is kind of enforced, which in healthcare means a better feeling body. Mom would be proud.

Dr. KL Schellack, DC is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes primarily in working with patients who suffer with pain and weight issues. Considered an expert in advanced neurological restoration, nutritional counseling, personal fitness training, and ergonomics. Dr. KL Schellack, DC is a long-athlete who currently enjoys kayaking, extreme off-trail biking, and desert hiking. Other specialties include yoga, pilates, and falun dafa. Writing about health issues to assist patients is a passion

četvrtak, 19. studenoga 2009.

Online Reverse Phone Book

A reverse phone book facility is very easily available online. There are several service providers who offer online reverse phone book services. You can find that most of these services are free of cost though there are a few companies who ask for a nominal user fee per year for usage (we'll discuss this later on). Those who receive prank calls frequently will find this as the best option to detect the ones who are causing trouble to you and keeping you awake at all hours of the night.

Even if you are just in need of details of a person whose phone number is all you have, online reverse phone book will give you best result by getting you the exact information you want. Most of the free service providers are giving details about land line phones. This is because land line details are easy to collect. But there are not many service providers who give details of cell phone numbers.

Collecting cell phone numbers is comparatively a difficult task and requires manual labor and/or the acquisition of large phone databases (very expensive, hence the fees). It is also not possible to collect all the cell phone numbers as people might be using more than one cell phone number. The users are so vast that you might find it difficult to gather all the numbers and is easy to miss some in the effort. Thus online reverse phone book services are more useful in gathering information on cell phone users.

But some of the paid sites offer better results in online reverse phone book search by providing cell phone number users details also. When you are in search of details of a cell number it is better to depend on paid sites and not free site. What you have to pay is only a nominal amount for yearly usage of online reverse phone books--this can actually wind up saving you money in the long run since the average user makes 5-10 reverse phone searches annually.

Ready to find out exactly who's calling you? If you want to do a reverse lookup and find out who's been calling you then all you have to do is visit http://www.phone-number-reverse-lookup.com to get started! It's extremely easy to find out who's been calling you--put your mind to ease, visit today and find out who's on the other end of the telephone!

utorak, 17. studenoga 2009.

The Egyptian Mau - Breed Information

Many cat owners favor one of the more unusual breeds. If you are looking for, or just interested in, rare and unusual breeds of cat, then you may like to consider the Egyptian Mau, which is not only a rare cat, but it is also one of the oldest breeds. It is recognizable by its spotted fur. Additionally, the Mau is extremely fast, beating every other domestic cat for speed.

Breed History

The age of the Egyptian Mau is not definitively known, but it could be argued that it is the oldest breed, dating back to Ancient Egypt. Several thousands of years ago, the Egyptian Mau was a feral cat, which roamed free and was worshipped by the Egyptian people who believed that cats were gods. Some cat experts claim that the Egyptian Mau may be a direct ancestor of the modern domestic cat, but, again, this cannot be definitively ascertained.

During the 1980s, a new breed, the American Keuda, was created and the Egyptian Mau was used in the breeding program to develop the new breed. Today, the Egyptian Mau is one of the rarest breeds; it is believed that only 3000 of them exist worldwide.

Personality Traits

All cats have differing characteristics that are typical to their breed. Most cats are known for loving a spot close to a cozy fire, but the Egyptian Mau is particularly fond of warm temperatures. This is perhaps unsurprising, when you consider its country of origin.

Additionally, Maus are said to make sounds that are unlike other cats, they are often described as being able to chortle, chirp and even sing. Of course, one of the most striking features of the Mau is, as mentioned above, its speed. In fact, the fastest Mau was recorded at 36miles per hour.

Breed Standards

As previously mentioned, the Egyptian Mau is spotted. Interestingly, it is the only breed, which is officially recognized, that has spots without the help of selective breeding. In other words, it is the only breed to become spotted through natural selection rather than human intervention. Even more intriguing is that the spots of an Egyptian Mau are not merely found on the fur. In shaved Maus, the spots are still visible on the skin.

A Mau's hind legs are significantly longer then his, or her, front legs. This fact has a large impact on the incredible speeds that the breed is able to achieve. In addition, the breed has a section of loose skin around the abdomen, which is also beneficial in running, because it allows the cat to take a much longer stride than would otherwise be possible.

All pure bred adult Egyptian Maus have green eyes. In addition, it is bred in five colors, but only three are considered show standard: Silver, smoke and bronze. The other two colors, blue and black, are still bred nonetheless.

With any animal, but especially with rare breeds, such as the Egyptian Mau, it is important for any potential owner to do some homework about the breed. Ensure that you know all there is to know before making the commitment to own a pet.

In addition, seek out a reputable breeder, again this is particularly important when looking for rare breeds. You should be able to identify reputable breeders in the phonebook or on the internet, but if you're having trouble finding a local cat breeder, you may find information from a shelter or veterinarian.

Samantha Markham is a professional freelance writer. She is currently working for an online supplier of pet products, Remmeer.com, which provides customers with an array of items for cat lovers and their pets, including ceramic cat feeding dishes and cat lover gifts & accessories

How Many People Die From Cancer Each Year?

How many people die from cancer each year? If you have been wondering what the answer to this question is, you just found the right article.

Cancer continues to be a major disease for those in developed countries. The numbers for those that are dying of cancer in the world are increasing. 2007 was one of the last years recorded, and 7.9 million people died of cancer. That number is slated to increase to 11.5 million by the year 2030. For the developed countries, cancer is the second largest reason for death. Only heart disease beats cancer in killing people in the Western world and in those countries that are considered "modern". The World Health Organization says that forty percent of cancer can be prevented. They recommend avoiding tobacco, being obese, alcohol abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and carcinogens at the workplace. Lung cancer is the one type of cancer that kills the most people throughout the world. Tobacco is the culprit in this statistic.

The details for how many people die from cancer based on their country is not surprising. Two million in China are killed each year by cancer. Part of this is attributed to the increased urbanization and the adoption of Western diets. In the United Kingdom about 230,000 people die of cancer every year. An estimate of 17,000 of these people die of colon cancer and 6000 die of pancreatic cancer in the United Kingdom. One very sad statistic is that 3,000 people in the United States die every year just from second hand cigarette smoke. The total for every cancer death except nonmelanoma skin cancer in the United States is over 565,000 people. Lung cancer is first among the killer cancers in the United States. The unreported fact is that the invisible gas radon accounts for 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year for the United States.

In Australia, 12,000 people die of cancer every year. Skin cancer is a large part of that number. For Japan, over 336,000 people die in that country from cancer and most of these have lung cancer. In Pakistan, 85,000 die of cancer. In Brazil, over 25,000 die from this disease yearly. The killer disease we call cancer strikes around the world and is getting stronger by the day. Will the medical industry be able to rediscover the cure? Let's hope so. If not, maybe those who smoke tobacco will learn that it is quite literally killing them.

Discover other great cancer articles like Signs of breast cancer, Treatment of breast cancer and Cure for colon cancer.

Written by Nilgesz Csaba

ponedjeljak, 16. studenoga 2009.

How to Get a Nice Body - Expert Reveals Top Tips to Help Anyone Get the Perfect Body

Are you tired of not being able to fit in your clothes? Would you like a body that you can actually be proud of? In this article I am going to show you how to get a nice body by following a few simple tips. The tips were going to share are so easy to do you're going to be able to start today. In fact, you'll see excellent results in the next few weeks if you follow these tips.

The first tip is to decide exactly what you want and decide exactly what you need to do to get it. You can start by writing down a few goals that will help you get your end result. You can make goals for eating healthier. You can make goals for exercising more. Make sure you're focused on the end result to get what you want. Once you've set your goals make sure you put a deadline on them to create a sense of urgency.

The next thing you need to do is to come up with a system to make your job easier. It's not easy to lose weight or we'd all do it. This is why I write down exactly what meals I'll be eating throughout the week. I then write down all of the food and ingredients I need to prepare the meals. After I am done with this I immediately go buy everything I need. This makes it a lot easier to eat healthy because the food is already in my house.

I make sure that I eat at least 5 to 6 small healthy meals each day. I eat the big 3 meals and I eat a snack in between each meal. Of course the snack you want to eat is healthy. This will make it so you don't have to eat so much during your main meals. It will also keep your metabolism going at a fast rate.

The last thing is to get the right amount of exercise. Depending on your goals you need to decide what would be most beneficial to you. If you need to lose a lot of weight then cardio 4 to 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes would be beneficial to you. Weight Lifting is also a great way to lose weight and tone up your body. I recommend 3 days a week for at least an hour. I've now told you how to get a nice body. It's up to you to take and action and get great results.

I've created a 6-Pack Program for anyone who would like to get excellent results in 21 days. This program is designed to help you start burning fat and losing weight quicker than you ever thought possible. You'll have a sexier and healthier body in the shortest amount of time possible. You can find this plan at http://www.betterbodyabs.com

Did Colorado Kill Doc Holliday?

John Henry “Doc” Holliday’s final words, spoken as he lay dying in the Hotel Glenwood in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, were “this is funny”. We’ll never know, of course, exactly what the Wild West legend meant by this. Perhaps he found it ironic that after a life spent tempting death in the gambling dens of the American frontier, it was at last his 15-year long battle with tuberculosis that had killed him. But while it is certainly true that TB was the ultimate cause of his death, it may have had an accomplice…the state of Colorado itself.

Doc was born in Georgia in 1851. His mother died of tuberculosis when he was only 15, and it is likely that he contracted the disease from her. It lay dormant long enough for him to complete his classical education and graduate from Dentistry school before symptoms began to appear. After his diagnosis he was told he had a few months, perhaps a year, to live. He was 20 years old.

Climate was the only treatment anyone could recommend for tuberculosis in the middle of the 19th century. Seeking drier, hotter weather, Doc went west. Dying or not, he still had to make a living. Good dental hygiene, however, was not a priority for most cowboys, so Doc decided to try his hand at gambling.

Some historians have suggested that Doc deliberately put himself in harms way over the course of his life out of a desire to die a quick, if bloody, death rather than waste away as the result of his disease. Whether or not this is true, he certainly seemed to have the Devil’s luck (good or bad) protecting him. Though he was sickly, scrawny, famously quarrelsome and habitually in a state if of mortal danger, he always managed to survive.

Holliday has passed into legend as one of America’s most fearsome, steely-eyed gunslingers. But though he is credited with the killing of many men, these stories have no historical evidence. In truth, the one and only documented case of Doc killing anybody was at the infamous Gunfight at the OK Corral, when he shot Tom McLaury with a double-barrel shotgun at close range…hardly a feat the required a sharpshooter. Of his numerous escapades with a pistol he displayed abysmal aim, probably as a result of the constant flow of whiskey he consumed to control his cough. He is said to have stabbed several men to death, but this seems unlikely given his frail health and wasted physique; he supposedly carried only about 120 pounds on his 5’10” frame when he died.

More than a decade of gambling, smoking, drinking and fighting with some of the most dangerous men in America didn’t kill Doc Holliday, but it didn’t slow the progression of his disease, either. As he deteriorated he once again sought out “better” climate. In Victorian times (and for a long time after) consumptives were encouraged to seek high altitudes. This led Doc to the state of Colorado, the place that eventually killed him.

High altitude sickness is caused when the “thinner” air, where there is less oxygen in the atmosphere, causes the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream to decrease, causing headaches, nausea and a host of other symptoms. For someone like Holliday, who suffered from a severe and advanced lung disease that already interfered with his ability to breath, Colorado’s high altitude was torturous. With his health worsening daily he decided to seek treatment in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, a town famous for the “healing” waters of its natural hot-springs and vaporous caves.

Visiting the hot-springs was the worst possible course of action for the tubercular Holliday. Sulfur emissions from the mineral springs and geothermal steam baths at Glenwood Springs stripped the few shreds of healthy tissue from his already ravaged lungs. After a bitter lifetime of gambling with death at the point of a blade or the barrel of a pistol, his diseased body got the better of him. After 2 racking, bedridden months in the winter of 1887 Doc Holliday’s lungs gave out and he died. Tuberculosis had been the loaded gun at his temple for almost half his life, but Colorado had finally pulled the trigger.

Fixing Credit Problems

Checking your credit reports, and fixing credit problems when they show up, should be part of your regular routine in handling your finances. Especially in times like these when lenders are cracking down on credit requirements and with identity theft on the rise like it is.

But before you can fix any credit problems, you need to first find out what the problems are. You begin by pulling your credit reports from the three major reporting bureaus; TransUnion, Experian and Equifax.

Everyone is entitled to one free credit report each year from the three bureaus. Simply go to AnnualCreditReport.com to receive your free reports from all three bureaus. This site is the only authorized source for people to access their free annual credit reports online.

If you have already gotten your one free report this year, you must contact each bureau individually. You will be charged a small fee for each report.

PO Box 740241
Atlanta, GA. 30374

PO Box 2002
Allen, TX. 75013

PO Box 2000
Chester, PA. 19022

Another option is to sign up for an automatic monthly credit report service. Not only will you receive your credit reports, you will also receive your actual FICO scores from each bureau. Your FICO scores are what lenders use to gauge the creditworthiness of the borrower and determine the interest rate charged. The cost of the service is minimal and is extremely helpful in achieving and maintaining an excellent credit score.

Numerous studies have been done that show a majority of credit reports contain errors of some sort or another. So once you've gotten a copy of your credit reports, identify any errors you find and take steps to get those errors corrected and removed. You can do this yourself or hire a repair company to do it for you.

Carefully check your reports for accuracy. Begin with the spelling of your name, and then check to be sure the addresses you've lived at are correct. Then check for any omissions or other errors. Especially be sure to verify that all creditors are yours and that the payment history shown is correct and the balances are accurate. Make a note of any and all inaccuracies you find.

The dispute process is the same whether you do it yourself or if you hire a repair company to do it for you. Write the bureau reporting the error, or errors, and explain what the error is and why it is incorrect. Ask them to correct the problem or remove it. They are required by law to investigate the disputed item and provide you with their findings within 30 days. If they are unable to prove the accuracy of the dispute, they must remove it from your file.

Bob Pering writes about credit repair, debt management and personal financing solutions. Special emphasis is given to the problem of derogatory credit histories in credit reports and what you can do to legally repair or erase them.

For more detailed information on this or other credit problems and solutions, visit my website at: http://badcrediteliminated.com/diy.html. Find tools, tips, suggestions and ideas on how you too can quickly improve your credit scores.

Copyright © 2009. Reprint rights are granted, as long as the article is not changed, and the resource box is left intact.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Pering

Feeding Your Dog With Raw Food

Does it ever bother you, as a dog owner, what really makes up the bits and pieces of that huge sack of so called "Dog Food" you are feeding your pet? Has it ever occurred to you that many of the components of branded dog food is not organic, or even created under natural conditions? Dog food that claim to be come from bone, blood and animal fat are often derived from animals suffering from various ailments, and probably not the best choice for your pet. Perhaps the time has come to offer your best friend some other alternatives.

Back in the day before big corporations invaded our horizon producing all kinds of products for our dog, there where dogs among us who where fed somehow. If we take a look at the animals in the wild, like the wild dog or the wolf, you will soon notice they nourish themselves from the hunt of the day. They devour their prey in steps, first the stomach and its content, then meat and bones. This method of feeding has kept dogs alive for hundreds of years. Providing all the vitamins and minerals they need to survive without any health complications. Your dog's ancestors had excellent immune systems, not like the present day breeds.

If your dog's meal is composed primarily of scraps from sick animals, wouldn't it be reasonable to conclude that your pet is prone to get sick as well? Eating natural and raw food strengthens your dog's immune system, and provides the necessary nutrients for a healthy body that grows and heals itself fast.

Raw meals are meant to be served but once a day. It is a simple method that requires little effort and provides outstanding results. For best results, however, it is always a good idea to consult your veterinarian to check whether raw meals are actually appropriate and beneficial for your dog.

Not all the components of a raw meal consist of meat. To a large extent, a raw diet is complemented with grains and vegetables. Dog's will eat consume approximately equal amounts of raw foods, as their branded counterpart. By personal experience I have found that dogs are much fonder of raw meat than they are of dry kibbles. One must be prepared to a no return situation, since it often difficult to switch a dog back to kibbles after savoring a piece of meat.

Mixing meat with fruit and vegetables will give added potency to your dog's diet. A good supply of vitamins A, B, C and D is available just by including carrots and apples in your pet's meal plan. Allowing your dog to live and eat like his ancestors did may prove to be a nourishing and healthy experiment your dog will could learn to love.

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The Importance of Calcium in Your Dog's Meals

The inclusion of essential vitamins and minerals is a very important part of a nutritious meal for your dog. One of these essential vitamins is Calcium. For those who are familiar with this vitamin, an association with strong bones and white teeth immediately occurs. A complete and healthy meal for your pet should be complemented with calcium.

More often than not, people make the mistake feeding their dog excess or small amounts of calcium. Rickets is a condition that appears on dogs that are deficient of calcium in their diet. This ailment results in weak bones that tend to bend or break under the pressure of the dog's weight.

Feeding your dog an excess amount of calcium can have negative results as well. Some pet owners of larger dog breeds like German Sheppard or Great Danes feed their dog excessive amounts of calcium in their earlier stages reaching for more growth and development in their dog. However, too much calcium in puppies will result in over sized bones that lack density and strength.

When adequate amounts of calcium are added to your dog's diet, he will enjoy healthy, strong bones and dentures and have fewer chances to suffer from any abnormalities. Thus, it is always a good idea to follow your veterinarian's advice regarding the proper dosage, and whether or not your dog's food should be supplemented with calcium.

If your dog's nourishment consists of raw foods, such as raw meat, vegetables and grains, he may not be getting all the calcium he requires. Since calcium works together with phosphorous in a one to two ratio for better assimilation into the body. However, a meat based diet presents a ratio of about 18 parts phosphorous and one part calcium. The lack of balance between these two nutrients is sure to have adverse consequences.

Another agent that aids in the assimilation of calcium in the dog, is vitamin D. Deficient amounts of vitamin D will stand as a disadvantage and prevent your dog from benefiting from the other nutrients present in his food. While on the other hand, too much vitamin D can be venomous to your pet.

Calcium as a nutrient becomes extra important if your dog is pregnant, or nursing puppies. During this period, avoid feeding your dog any supplements, and reach out for natural ingredients for a balanced diet. Do some research and talk to your veterinarian for the best choices in store shelves. Quality food from reputable companies is the best way to go when caring for what your dog eats.

Enter the exciting world of free dog games. Play Puppy games and other dog games online at Doggames123.com.